Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year, New Resolutions

I've been neglecting this blog for far too long. I'm still watching movies, but not getting the reviews up. Luckily, a new year is the perfect time to get back on track. One of my resolutions for this year is to update every Monday and Friday. I may update more often (especially as I catch up with my 2014 movie reviews), but Monday and Friday for sure. The blog format will remain mostly movie reviews, with occasional entries on TV. 

Anyone who knows me knows I love lists. So I'm eagerly making my list and checking it twice on the best films of 2014. There's still some major movies in 2014 that I need to see (Into the Woods, Selma, etc.). So look out for that list at the end of January. Before that, I will look ahead at 2015 and share which movies I'm most looking forward to (spoiler: sequels to The Avengers and Pitch Perfect will definitely be on that list).

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