Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Review: 22 Jump Street (2014)

Snap Judgment: If you loved 21 Jump Street, then just go ahead and buy your ticket to this movie now. The very best thing about this franchise is that it never takes itself too seriously. It’s ridiculous and knows it, and is too busy having fun to care. The movie is full of meta-humor and self-aware jokes at its own expense, and gives you a grinning wink to let you know you’re in on the joke, too. Even the end-credits were a sly send-up of sequels. The second best thing about this franchise is Channing Tatum’s and Jonah Hill’s chemistry (although Channing Tatum has chemistry with all his buddy movie co-stars, and often with inanimate objects as well). It was manic and zany, and while there were points where a joke was a dud or a repeated joke had gotten a little thin and worn, it wasn’t long until the movie gleefully swept you on to the next bit. Most often it was hilarious, and there were points when I was laughing so hard that Z thought I had stopped breathing. This was fun, fun, fun, which is exactly what I want out of a summer movie.    

Grade: A

Final Verdict: Fun good-natured action flick.

If you like this, try: This Is The End, White House Down  

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